Continue Your Journey As A Guide With Our Advanced Coursework
Prerequisite: Previous certification in Reiki Level 1 and 2, and RMT (proof of certificate required)

Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher Training
Course Description: In this final level of Usui/Holy Fire RMT, students will learn how to facilitate and their own Usui/Holy Fire Reiki classes: including how to conduct a class, class management, passing attunements and ignitions. In addition, Students will deepen their Reiki practice with themselves and the world
Students will receive all ignitions and placements associated with Usui/Holy Fire Level RMT, a course manual, and a course certificate upon completion.
Purchase Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher Training

Violet Flame Reiki Master Teacher Training
Course Description: Learn the sacred Reiki of the Mother Goddess Kwan Yin. Students will learn how to use the VFR energy, learn the 40 symbol system, & how to pass attunements of the Violet Flame to other RMTS and students (slightly different than the usual way of attuning). Most importantly, students will leave this course well versed in the Violet Flame Reiki Lineage and receive an energetic upgrade to their current energy work practices.
Students will receive all attunements associated with Usui/Holy Fire Level, a course manual, a student manual, and a course certificate upon completion.
Prerequisites: It’s encouraged students have Usui/Holy Fire RMT or Usui Reiki Ryoho RMT certification prior to this course. There is required reading prior to attending this course*
Purchase Violet Flame Reiki Master Teacher Training

Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Training
Purchase Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Training